


> スタッフ紹介

中村 由紀 プロフィール



平成15年3月 九州歯科大学歯学部歯学科 卒業
平成19年3月 九州大学大学院歯学研究院歯学臨床系専攻博士課程 修了
平成19年4月 九州大学病院小児歯科 医員
平成20年5月 九州大学大学院歯学研究院小児口腔医学分野 助教
平成22年7月 新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学分野 助教
シカゴ大学The Department of Organismal Biology & Anatomy
平成28年3月 新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科小児歯科学分野 助教




日本小児歯科学会 専門医
日本障害者歯科学会 認定医


1) Saitoh M, Nakamura Y, Hanasaki M, Saitoh I, Murai Y, Kurashige Y, Fukumoto S, Asaka Y, Yamada M, Sekine M, Hayasaki H, Kimoto S: Prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralization and regional differences throughout Japan. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 23(55), 2018.
2) Kurosawa M, Oda M, Domon H, Isono T, Nakamura Y, Saitoh I, Hayasaki H, Yamaguchi M, Kawabata S, Terao Y: Streptococcus pyogenes CAMP factor promotes calcium ion uptake in RAW264.7 cells. Microbiology and Immunology 62(10): 617-623, 2018.
3) Sanematsu K, Nakamura Y, Nomura M, Shigemura N, Ninomiya Y: Diurnal Variation of Sweet Taste Recognition Thresholds Is Absent in Overweight and Obese Humans. Nutrients 10(3): e297, 2018.
4) Kurosawa M, Oda M, Domon H, Isono T, Nakamura Y, Saitoh I, Hayasaki H, Yamaguchi M, Kawabata S, Terao Y: Streptococcus pyogenes CAMP factor promotes bacterial adhesion and invasion in pharyngeal epithelial cells without serum via PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. Microbes Infect 20(1): 9-18, 2018.
5) Nakamura Y, Iriarte-Diaz J, Arce-McShane F, Orsbon CP, Brown KA, Eastment M, Avivi-Arber L, Sessle BJ, Inoue M, Hatsopoulos NG, Ross CF, Takahashi K. Sagittal plane kinematics of the jaw and hyolingual apparatus during swallowing in Macaca mulatta. Dysphagia 32(5): 663-677, 2017.
6) Kitte E, Nakamura Y, Nakajima T, Hanasaki M, Nogami Y, Sasakawa Y, Iwase Y, Kurosawa M, Oku T, Saitoh I, Hayasaki H: Change in masticatory movement according to food size in young Japanese females. Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research, DOI: 10.15761/DOCR.1000242, 2017
7) Nakajima T, Nakakura-Ohshima K, Hanasaki M, Nogami Y, Murakami N, Nakamura Y, Saitoh I, Hayasaki H: Difference of toothbrushing motion between dental hygienists and mothers -Focusing on self-toothbrushing and caregivers’-toothbrushing. Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research, DOI: 10.15761/DOCR.1000237, 2017.
8) Nuramami N, Nakamura Y, Nakajima T, Sasakawa Y, Nakakura-Oshima K, Murakami T, Kurosawa M, Iwase Y, Murakami D, Saitho I, Inada E, Yamasaki Y, Hayasaki H: Oral feeding behavior during a whole meal. Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research, DOI: 10.15761/DOCR.1000232, 2017
9) Tsujimura T, Tsuji K, Magara J, Sakai S, Suzuki T, Nakamura Y, Nozawa-Inoue K, Inoue M: Differential response properties of peripherally and cortically evoked swallows by electrical stimulation in anesthetized rats, Brain Red Bull 122: 12-18, 2016.
10) Nakamura Y, Masuda K, Yamaza H, Nonaka K: Central odontogenic fibroma associated with eruption disturbance of a permanent incisor in a six-year-old girl, Int J Dentistry Oral Sci 03(3): 205-208, 2016.
11) Aida S, Takeishi R, Magara J, Watanabe M, Ito K, Nakamura Y, Tsujimura T, Hayashi H, Inoue M: Peripheral and central control of swallowing initiation in healthy humans, Physiol Behav 151: 404-411, 2015.
12) Iguchi H, Magara J, Nakamura Y, Tsujimura T, Ito K, Inoue M: Changes in jaw muscle activity and physical property of foods with different textures during chewing, Physiol Behav 152: 217-224, 2015.
13) Tsuji K,Tsujimura T, Magara J, Sakai S, Nakamura Y, Inoue M: Changes in the frequency of swallowing during electrical stimulation of superior laryngeal nerve in rats, Brain Res Bull 111: 53-61, 2015.
14) Yamamoto S, Taniguchi H, Hayashi H, Hori K, Tsujimura T, Nakamura Y, Sato H, Inoue M: How do tablet properties influence swallowing behaviors? J Pharm Pharmacol 66(1): 32-39, 2014.
15) 中村由紀,齊藤一誠,倉重圭史,鈴木淳司,星野倫範,島村和宏,飯沼光生,早崎治明,齊藤正人:小児の歯の外傷 ―小児歯科学雑誌の掲載報告と診療ガイドライン―,小児歯誌,55(3), 2017
16) 鹿児島暁子, 中村由紀, 花崎美華, 村上望, 澤味規, 松枝一成, 鈴木絢子, 左右田美樹, 中島努, 野上有紀子, 君雅水, 村上智哉, 黒澤美絵, 岩瀬陽子, 大島邦子, 齊藤一誠, 早崎治明:地域の小児医療センター歯科診療室における診療実態とその臨床的検討,小児歯誌,55(4), 442-450, 2017

1)小児の口腔科学 第5版,学建書院,2019.

1) 中村由紀,齊藤一誠,早崎治明:小児の食・口の機能とその異常,日本歯科評論,潟qョーロン・パブリッシャーズ,東京,2017, pp.53-58.

1) 中村由紀,星野倫範,梶美奈子,島村和宏,佐野正之,齊藤一誠,早崎治明,齊藤正人:エックス線CT画像による正中過剰埋伏歯の三次元画像解析方法の検討,第55回日本小児歯科学会大会,北九州,2017年5月25−26日.
2) Nakamura Y, Takahashi K, Arce-McShane F, Inoue M, Ross C: Features of swallowing related parameters in a kinematic study of feeding in the macaque, The Dysphagia Research Society 23rd Annual Meeting. Chicago, USA,2015.3.12-4.

1) Nakamura Y, Takahashi K, Brown KA, Arce-McShane FI, Hatsopoulos NG, Ross CF: Spectral profiles of local field potentials of somatosensory and motor cortices during feeding, Society for Neuroscience Satellite symposium,Chicago, USA, 2015.11.16.




日本小児歯科学会 奨励賞,2010.
